Forklift Certification

Cert1 successfully carried out inspections at the premises of a large company active in packaging, in the area of Magoula, certifying its forklifts with the agency's experienced inspector Mr. Kaffetzakis

A forklift, also known as a forklift, is a work machine used to lift and transport loads. These machines are common in large enterprises, such as those producing soft drinks, aluminum, sanitary ware, etc., and help to save time and quickly transport goods to distant areas.

The forklift looks like a small truck and has two forks at the front, where the loads are placed for transport. These forks can be adjusted in height depending on the height of the truck or the location where the goods will be unloaded. Some of these machines have the ability to climb, while others have high movement speed.

Cert1 smpc is accredited by the National Accreditation System (E.SY.D.) for the control and certification with initial and periodic control of lifting machines - project machines, based on the "Regulation of Controls of Lifting Machines" KYA oik 15085/593/2003 ( Official Gazette 1186/B/25-08-2003)